Today our lives changed forever. Ashton had been not quite right for a few weeks (excessive thirst and peeing, irritable, random appetite, etc.). He had croup 2 weeks ago and was treated with steroids, so we were attributing some of his symptoms to that but after so long we knew it was something else. I spent 5 hours with the two little ones at the pediatrician getting x-rays and tests done on Ash. Finally a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. I was shocked. The dr. couldn't even hold it together while she was telling me. After all that, we went immediately to the hospital for fluids, monitoring, and diabetes education. This little guy was so sick. We didn't realize how bad. Our lives would now consist of finger pricks, insulin injections, carb counting, and constant monitoring. He looked so little in that hospital bed. And he had no idea what was going on and why he couldn't go 'bye-bye'. Heartbreaking.